Wednesday, 21 October 2015


I have drawn some different expressions that make the faces have more of  a character. I have copied the pictures of some facial expressions using Moodle to get used to drawing them. I have used simple expressions to get used to drawing them as I have never drawn them before.  They were good expressions because they showed different peoples personalities.

The expressions are useful because they can be used in comics and animations. This is because it can show characters expressions for different situations and how they are feeling without a big long paragraph of description which is boring. It gives me practice also on drawing different expressions. If there wasn't expressions in comics or animation you wouldn't know what the character is feeling.

I had to mix two different expressions together to see what new expression I could make, see how weird and strange mixing two expressions could be. I created 3 new expressions. My favourite expression out of the 3 that I made is the evil expression. I made this expression by combining happiness  and anger which made the evil expression

The expressions that I made was an evil expression that looks evil. I made an expression that kind of  fear expression. I think it is an ultimate fear type expression because it looks like it to me with the expressions of fear and sadness. It looks like a new fear expression because of the sadness at the top,with a feared bottom(this looks sad) The last expression that I made is sort of like the expression you would have if you had just run away from a monster or villain. I am not sure what it looks like to be a new expression. It hasn't really got a name.

I do feel confident with drawing. I have always felt confident with drawing for a while. I like drawing quite a lot that I do it at home as well. I like taking my time when I draw because I like getting the detail into my drawings. I think for me confidence has always been there whilst I draw as I know what I am drawing.

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