Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Platform game- Preproduction sketches

The game that I would like to create is about a princess warrior who has to dispose/get rid of the evil wizard whilst collecting some secret items to help her to fight the wizard and win. Whilst all of this going on the wizard is trying to stop the princess warrior from defeating him causing a challenge and battle between the two characters

My main character for the game is a princess warrior called Bellatrix. Her name is called Bellatrix because it shows that  I thought that the name fits the character perfectly after researching and having a look at some unusual names. Her age is 12 years old and she is tall for her age showing that she is supposed to be taller than her age. That is why I have drawn her quite tall because that is how I want her to be, I have done it on purpose, for the game. Bellatrix's background is that she lost her parents when she was 11 from the evil wizard's parents  killing her parents and she needs to beat the wizard after her annoyance with the  young wizard's parents  making her loose her parents. She has been on her own ever since trying to dispose of the evil wizard to claim the world for herself.  She would like to be a hero. Her costume/outfit is a warrior type top with armoured knee pads with boots to show that she is a warrior. Her hair is purposely long to show that she is a princess. This is because princesses have long hair and I want to show Bellatrix to have long hair as that suits her. Bellatrix is holding a spear sword ready to fight with the evil wizard, this also shows that she is a warrior with a weapon ready to take on any bad guy. Her special power is that she can do flips which is useful when she needs to dispose of the evil wizard but she mainly uses the spear sword which gives her the power to fight. It is almost like a magic wand or magic stick to Bellatrix as it fights almost for her, it fights and challenges for her to do.

My bad guy for the game is an evil wizard called Waldo. His age is about 13/14 years old. He is slightly smaller than he should be. His background is that he has been an evil wizard for all of his life as he is constantly being his evil self.  He has long hair to show that he is a wizard. Without his long hair he wouldn't look like a wizard. The costume/outfit he wears is a wizard outfit like a robe showing that he is a wizard. This hides his clothes which is perfect because you aren't supposed to see what his actual clothes are. The world belongs to the evil wizard but Bellatrix wants to get it off him to make the world hers instead of the evil wizards.  This is because the evil wizard's parents have taken over the world after his parents killed Bellatrix's parents.

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