I have tried to create two advert texts using a cool brush and pattern technique but I don't think it worked. This didn't work because I used the text tool instead of the duplicate text tool so it didn't turn out the way that I wanted it to. The parts that did work whilst I was doing this is some of the colours that I used didn't show up. The software that I used to create the text was on Photoshop. I followed the tutorial the best that I could which caused me to create these texts. I only created two because I thought it would be enough. The writing of the text is two small that you can't exactly see the pattern or the brush design that I have created on the text. I don't think that these have worked well because they are both they are both the same colour just lighter from each other. I think that I should have made more time to create the rest of the brush and pattern. I think if I was to improve on this I would make sure that I know what I am doing before I do it. Also I would follow the tutorial better because I didn't really follow the tutorial to the best quality that I probably could have done. I chose to have the text as Advert because I was just seeing how to do the brush and pattern part of the tutorial that I thought the text should be Advert so I could see how to do it.
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