Monday, 11 January 2016

Game Baddy and level

I have made my level using Adobe Illustrator which I enjoyed. I especially like the colours that I have used because it brings out the brightness used in the level. My level is made out of ice cream of various flavours such as mint, strawberry, chocolate, coffee and vanilla. The aim of the level is to play as Bellatrix (The princess warrior) to try and defeat the young evil wizard (Waldo) after his parents killed Bellatrix's parents. The secret of the game is the fact that Waldo can glitch anywhere on the platforms of the game to defeat Bellatrix. Also the secret is that Waldo's name is barely used by Bellatrix who often calls him the evil wizard. I like my platform game because it shows that I have thought about clearly what I want in my game. I like my characters that are in my game because of the way that I have designed them on paper first and then made them better by drawing them on Adobe Illustrator. I like the fact that I have made my baddy almost invisible because it shows that he is a wizard and that he can glitch (move) anywhere he wants to on the level of the game making it harder for Bellatrix to defeat him which I like.

My baddy(Waldo's) accessory is his magic staff that he is always holding when he glitches. He uses it to cast a spell to try and defeat Bellatrix to keep the world to himself. The only rules that there is of the level is you have to stay on the platforms. If you fall off any of the platforms then you loose the level .

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