Wednesday 16 December 2015


For my project I have designed some characters to use for my platform game. First of all I have had to research some platform games to see what they are to get some ideas to create my own. Next I had to research different platform game characters to see what type of characters I could use for my platform game.

The final  character and platform game that I came up with is a princess warrior trying to dispose/get rid of her enemy- the  evil wizard(Waldo). Waldo is the character who can glitch to a different part of the game- only on the platform though to stop Bellatrix. Bellatrix however can jump on ice-cream and use her weapon/cape to capture her worst enemy.

The things that I found difficult with making the game was that not everything went the way that I wanted it to go. I kept on having difficulty putting each character onto the game. In the end it worked which I was very happy about. I enjoyed making the game. I think that my skills worked well. The skills from Adobe Illustrator when it came to creating a character.

There isn't a part of the game making that I didn't like. I liked it. It let me have fun with creating my own masterpiece that I enjoyed. It made me create what I wanted to create through a great type of media.

Overall I think that my game worked very well. I liked the colours that I used and the characters that I carefully thought about before I actually created them which I enjoyed very much.

If I was to do this project again The only thing that I would change is the character design because the drawings weren't very detailed. I could have made the drawings more detailed as I can draw. Also I have a drawing talent which lets me expand my character designs.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Main character for Game Design for 2/12/15

Today I have drawn my main character on adobe Illustrator using the paint tool and the shape tool. I think I could have drawn my main character better  with the software because I rushed at  drawing her at the last minute. The weapon that my main character is holding is a spear sword because it shows that she is getting ready to battle the evil wizard to claim the world for herself.  I only had time to computerise my main character because I was developing my baddie named Waldo. To improve on my drawing I would scan my drawing and then I would draw over my pencil drawing/sketches it looks more like the character. I have made my main character's hair blonde because I wanted her to look more like a princess. Her clothing indicates that she is a warrior which I am happy about. Also I would scan my drawing into the computer first because I would have had less wonky lines that I didn't need. If I was to draw my main character again I would free hand all of her with the pen/paint tool in Adobe Illustrator because in my opinion she looks a little odd with a shaped face and neck with free hand rest of the body which I could improve if I was to draw her again in the software.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Platform game- Preproduction sketches

The game that I would like to create is about a princess warrior who has to dispose/get rid of the evil wizard whilst collecting some secret items to help her to fight the wizard and win. Whilst all of this going on the wizard is trying to stop the princess warrior from defeating him causing a challenge and battle between the two characters

My main character for the game is a princess warrior called Bellatrix. Her name is called Bellatrix because it shows that  I thought that the name fits the character perfectly after researching and having a look at some unusual names. Her age is 12 years old and she is tall for her age showing that she is supposed to be taller than her age. That is why I have drawn her quite tall because that is how I want her to be, I have done it on purpose, for the game. Bellatrix's background is that she lost her parents when she was 11 from the evil wizard's parents  killing her parents and she needs to beat the wizard after her annoyance with the  young wizard's parents  making her loose her parents. She has been on her own ever since trying to dispose of the evil wizard to claim the world for herself.  She would like to be a hero. Her costume/outfit is a warrior type top with armoured knee pads with boots to show that she is a warrior. Her hair is purposely long to show that she is a princess. This is because princesses have long hair and I want to show Bellatrix to have long hair as that suits her. Bellatrix is holding a spear sword ready to fight with the evil wizard, this also shows that she is a warrior with a weapon ready to take on any bad guy. Her special power is that she can do flips which is useful when she needs to dispose of the evil wizard but she mainly uses the spear sword which gives her the power to fight. It is almost like a magic wand or magic stick to Bellatrix as it fights almost for her, it fights and challenges for her to do.

My bad guy for the game is an evil wizard called Waldo. His age is about 13/14 years old. He is slightly smaller than he should be. His background is that he has been an evil wizard for all of his life as he is constantly being his evil self.  He has long hair to show that he is a wizard. Without his long hair he wouldn't look like a wizard. The costume/outfit he wears is a wizard outfit like a robe showing that he is a wizard. This hides his clothes which is perfect because you aren't supposed to see what his actual clothes are. The world belongs to the evil wizard but Bellatrix wants to get it off him to make the world hers instead of the evil wizards.  This is because the evil wizard's parents have taken over the world after his parents killed Bellatrix's parents.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Business Card

Today I have made a business card using Photoshop. It hasn't quite turned out the way that I have wanted it to because I haven't managed to duplicate the layers to create 4 different business cards.

From my one business card that I have created the parts that I like from it is the colours that I have used. This is because I used the colour pink which works well with the business card. The thing that didn't particular work is the colour of the text. The colour of the text was pink which shows it doesn't show up against the background. The text colour and the background colour are exactly the same colour which doesn't clash with each other.

I like my business card that I have made compared to the good parts because I have created a great business.  I have made up a business which doesn't have a name to see how well I can use photo shop. I have created a rectangle with a text inside. I was supposed to make 4 by duplicating each layer but it didn't work. I think it didn't work because I didn't read the tutorial probably. This is because the tutorial didn't load correctly.  It would have worked if the tutorial loaded properly.

I like the colours that I have used for my business because it works well apart from the background colour and the text colour being the same. I like the fact that I have used a random contact detail number as I didn't want to use my real number. This is because it is just a practise on how to create a business card using photo shop. I could have made a better business card if I knew what I was doing probably and if the tutorial loaded probably.
I think that my graphics on the business card has worked well because I have thought about the colours by playing around with them to find a more suitable colour that I liked, and that fitted the business well.  The only part that is hard to read and see is the contact details part. This is because of the pink smudge blur thing that is covering it. If that wasn't there then you would be able to see the full business card.  The blurry part of my business card makes it hard to read the contact details which is annoying because the whole business worked well apart from that bit.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Platform game research

Platform games are games that have some platforms on the game for each level or game. It is often very colourful because it shows who the target audience is for and a made up magical world. I think that Platform games are aimed for children and teenagers, sometimes adults depending on what type of games you enjoy playing. It is aimed for children/teenagers mainly because of the colours that is used in each game/level. It is appealing to children/teenagers because of the memorable characters that stick into the mind. Each level or game has their own secret or secret level that you have to either unlock or win or earn to play the level or bonus level. They are kind of secret in a way because you have to collect secret items. Most platform games are 2d but their is the odd 3d platform games.
A platform game is a game with different levels for each level or game of the main game or character.

Sonic is a classic platform game character because of all of the powers and levels that he can do. He is a hedgehog with special powers, almost like a superhero. His powers conclude things like being able to spin and roll to collect things like coins and items. He has abilities of a normal hedgehog with added features which I like. This character is mainly aimed for people who like Sonic, mainly boys but the odd girl likes it aswell. He is always in a happy mood showing that he is a good character.  It is popular for people to play this game with this character because he is a super-hero. Also he has the ability to do unusual stuff that the audience wouldn't normally get to do. Sonic is a character with a wide range of imagination when it comes to helping, saving people. This isn't realistic because Sonic is just a hedgehog super-hero with an amazing super  powers/ability. Children love Sonic because of the crazy, cool stuff things that he does. The colours of Sonic show that he is a child's favourite character. The bright blue colour of Sonic show that he is a memorable character


Alex the lion is a great Platform Game character because he is the main character to follow throughout the game. Other characters in this game pop up like Gloria (a hippo), Melman(a giraffe), Marty(Zebra), King Julian(Lemur), Mort(Lemur), Maurice(Lemur). Extra game characters include characters from the game/show Penguins of  Madagascar that I enjoy also. This is more of a bonus game because of the different characters that the penguins encounter, also the 4 main characters are used for the mini/bonus games. Alex is the main character because he is the character that has the background of being in the jungle and then abandoned to be sent to a Zoo where he is King of the Zoo and his name changes from his real name: Alakay then it is changed to Alex throughout the films and games. He is the character that you follow throughout the film or game where he befriends his best friend Marty, Melman and Gloria.  It is a popular game/character because it shows how Alex became Alex in the game or films. It is also popular because it shows different Zoo animals living in a Zoo with the ability to talk to each other like the penguins. This is a comedy because lots of interesting/funny stuff happens such as tripping/falling over to funny moments in the film or game. It isn't realistic because none of the characters in real life can actually talk to each other or do comedy slapstick in the world of being an animal. The graphics used in the films/programmes/games is the fact that the characters act just like the animals in real life with the bird features of the penguins bobbing their heads up and down and Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman having features of a real-life animal that they are.

This  game consists of the main character called Horrid Henry. This game is a platform game because of the different levels and items that you as Henry have to collect. Henry is the main character/protagonist in this game because he is the mischievous, horrid 10 or 11 year old boy who doesn't like his brother or parents. His best friend is Ralph(rude) and his arch enemy is Margaret(Moody) who lives next door to him. Throughout the game/mini games you have to be Henry and help him do things such as collect goo and shoot the goo at some-one or something to collect points. He is in all of the games because he is the character that you play as, he is the main character in this game. He/the game uses bright colours showing that it is aimed for children. It clearly shows/states that it isn't allowed/isn't aimed at Adults because of some of the things that henry gets up to which an Adult or parent wouldn't appeal to but a child might learn from Henry's behaviour/ he is the comedy character throughout the TV series and game because he falls over stuff(slapstick) and does daft stuff that a comedian or sitcom would do. It is similar/ I think it is based on Miranda, Mr Bean because those are both slapstick legends. It is popular because a lot of children like watching Horrid Henry or to play his game, to see how good/great school is and how much a trouble-maker Henry is.

In my opinion I think that all 3 of these characters are memorable. This is because all 3 characters are bright and colour ful. They are also memorable because all 3 characters have great names that children will remember. I think that a character should have a great name so that you can remember the name and the characters. Also all 3 of these characters have different abilities. For example Sonic has the ability to jump and roll just like a normal hedgehog, even though he has super powers, Alex has the ability to be a lion and do the trapeze which I didn't know Alex did. He also has the ability of protecting his friends as he is a lion. Lions look after and protect their friends and family. Horrid Henry has the ability to be his horrid self causing him to get into trouble which his parents, teachers and sometimes friends.

Graphic clothings and snowflake work

Today I have designed these cool graphic images. This includes detailed items such as snowflakes, hoodies, tops, t-shirts , shorts, hats and glasses. I enjoyed doing this because it lets me create cartoons in my own style, way as I am quite good at drawing cartoons.  The snowflake part was fun because it shows how much detail graphic designers put in to create each animation programme or clothing or the character which I love. My future dream is to do something similar to this(carton artist by drawing because I can draw.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Graphics designs

Today I have learnt how to use the computer to create some graphic type designs. The software that I used is Adobe Illustrator. My favourite design that I have created today would probably be my alien. The alien that I like out of mine is the one with the glass type head. This is because I have created an alien , a tiny bit like a Scooby doo monster. The techniques that I used to create this alien is a shadow technique using windows and then clicking on stroke. I was playing around with the different types of techniques and I created a cool alien that I like. I prefer this software more than Photoshop. This is because I find it easier to follow and in my opinion it is more fun. I love my creations of the eyes because they look exactly like a cartoon which is what I am looking for. I am very happy with my designs. I feel like my art techniques come in handy when I am creating characters. I found it very fun to explore the software because it showed me great techniques and graphics that I have never used before. I love the software that I am getting used to it more than Photoshop. The shapes and colours look exactly like a cartoon character, which is exactly what I want to do in the future. I think that I would be good at doing this. I like it too much.  The tools that I used for this design was the paint tool which allows you to draw and paint whatever you like. I have also used the shape tool for a perfect shape such as a star and circles, rectangles. I have used the direct tool to cut the circle shape in half to create curves for a mouth shape and for part of the eyes. I have used these techniques to add detail to the character so it looks graphical instead of strange and odd.

The type of game that I could use my characters in is some sort of chase time. This is because they are kind of 3d looking. They should be in a similar game to pacman because it uses strange aliens. I think that the type of game these characters should be for is a cartoon game for children. This is because the character designs form the computer look like they are from a cartoon game. The cartoon elements is the eyes and detail that I have put into the graphics to create the characters. These were just try outs to see what work3ed and what didn't. It turns out that it turned out well.

Apps and App development

Today I have researched 5 of my top apps that I use on my phone. I have wrote about them.

 1. The first app that I use a lot on my Android phone is Angry Birds in Space. I like this app because it shows how well to use a catapult and to collect the different items and birds to win the level.  In this game you have to try and get rid of the pig monster things to win each level. I like this game because it lets you try and aim well. The graphics used in this game are very good because it feels as though the game is realistic even though it isn't. I like the different birds that you can use to win the level. I like the fact that there is different items that you can collect to win the level. The colours in the game are bright showing that it is supposed to be for mainly children. It also shows that birds come in different shapes and sizes and colours. It sort of shows a superhero within the birds as they all have different facial expressions on their faces showing that they are used for different circumstances.  This app is a game app. It is a very good game app that I have played because it tests your archery skills using a catapult.  The name of the game is catchy. It is catchy because it is bright. It also makes you want to go and play it, it hooks you right into the game. 

2. The second app that I use a lot is Instragram. This is a photography type of app without doing much to the app. I like this app because it lets you explore different settings that I like. I like the fact that you can change how the image or video looks after you have taken it. Instragram is great because it lets you post videos and images to your page, I love it a lot. The target audience for this app is anyone. Anyone who likes Instragram. Mainly for teenagers but adults can enjoy it to. There isn't graphics on this app but there is cool features. You can add the different effects to your video or photo before posting it to the internet. Some of the features include black and white, an olden effect. That sort of thing. It is  great app because it lets you take photos or videos for free, without needing a camera which is great and it is a great app.

3.  The third App that I use on my phone a lot is Facebook. I use this app the most because it is my favourite app to have on my phone. Facebook is an app where you can talk to people you know through messager. I like this app because you can post anything you would like on Facebook as well as talk to family members who might live further away like in a different country. Facebook is a social network app because it uses the internet and you talk through the internet. My favourite thing about this app is probably the posting(statuses). This is because I like posting interesting things on facebook so my friends can see my wall/posts. The target audience for this app is for teenagers(age 13+) This is because this is the age limit on this app and facebook contains things that a young child would not want to know about. I like the games that facebook has because they are great apps. Facebook games graphics are great because they use bright colours, some of the characters jump out at you on the page. I like the friend request app on Facebook because it lets you send friend requests to people that you know to let them become your friend on this app. I like this app a lot that I use it the most. 
4. The fourth app that I use is a Skype. I don't use Skype on my phone very much. This app is another social networking app that I enjoy. I like this app because it lets you do video messages to another person( a friend) through the internet. The target audience for this app is anyone who likes using Skype. It is an undated version to MSN and it is much better. Some of the features on this app is your profile. This is where you can change your profile picture and set up a status that only your friends can see. Another feature on this app is the call button at the bottom left on your device. This is where you can call one of your friends using a video message. This is a very good app if you want to talk to somebody who is further away from you. You  can also set your status of whether you are busy or not. I like this app because I can talk to my friends through a video instead of messaging which gets boring after a while. Skype is the perfect app for messaging through a video. The app uses great/bright colours to indicate that it is a social network app like facebook. Skype only works really if you have a webcam in your device because you need to see your friend talking to you otherwise it isn't Skype in my opinion.

5. The last app that I use a lot is a bible app. I like this app because it explores all the books in a normal bible(holy bible) that is used at church. The target audience for this app is anyone who is a Christian teenagers mainly. This is because it is a God type app that I use. It is a great app. I like this app also because I can read an easier version of the bible through a phone. The app only works if there is internet(Wi-Fi) because it is an app that sues the internet. This app is more of a social Christian app than a normal app. The graphics are very good for this app. It is just like a normal bible. I prefer my version of the bible on my phone because it is easier to understand. My favourite part of this app would be the part where you can choose the book and verse to read. This is because the device does it in a few minutes which is what I like. This app is very important to me because it shows a big part of my life. It is a great app though. I like the part where this app uses a little wheel type thing to load the verse up on the device. This is because it spins around as though it is a big part of the app which it is in a way. I like the graphics of the wheel because it makes me feel as though I am actually there in the app which I like. I feel as though wouldn't work for people who are not Christians because they wouldn't understand as much as a Christian person.

Wednesday 21 October 2015


I have drawn some different expressions that make the faces have more of  a character. I have copied the pictures of some facial expressions using Moodle to get used to drawing them. I have used simple expressions to get used to drawing them as I have never drawn them before.  They were good expressions because they showed different peoples personalities.

The expressions are useful because they can be used in comics and animations. This is because it can show characters expressions for different situations and how they are feeling without a big long paragraph of description which is boring. It gives me practice also on drawing different expressions. If there wasn't expressions in comics or animation you wouldn't know what the character is feeling.

I had to mix two different expressions together to see what new expression I could make, see how weird and strange mixing two expressions could be. I created 3 new expressions. My favourite expression out of the 3 that I made is the evil expression. I made this expression by combining happiness  and anger which made the evil expression

The expressions that I made was an evil expression that looks evil. I made an expression that kind of  fear expression. I think it is an ultimate fear type expression because it looks like it to me with the expressions of fear and sadness. It looks like a new fear expression because of the sadness at the top,with a feared bottom(this looks sad) The last expression that I made is sort of like the expression you would have if you had just run away from a monster or villain. I am not sure what it looks like to be a new expression. It hasn't really got a name.

I do feel confident with drawing. I have always felt confident with drawing for a while. I like drawing quite a lot that I do it at home as well. I like taking my time when I draw because I like getting the detail into my drawings. I think for me confidence has always been there whilst I draw as I know what I am drawing.

Today I have learnt how to draw realistic faces. I have been taught how to draw real life faces in proportion since Art definitely. To construct a face you need to first of all draw an oval, then half the oval. Next you need to spilt the face into sections with lines. Then you add the eyes as dots first before turning them into eyes. You add various features like noses and ears and a mouth to make the face more realistic.

I have drawn three drawings with different expressions that show different characters. On all three of the faces I have drawn some hair which gives the character some personality. This way you can tell whether it is a boy or a girl which is harder to do when there is no hair on the face. The way that I have drawn the faces is different to how I draw them. They are different because I do the face and the eyes last compared with the rest of the body but I drew the eyes first. I didn't particularly like doing it this way because that is not how I draw faces.

3 secrets in games or apps

I have found a good Wii game which has a secret. The Wii game is Mario kart. This is a secret game because there are hidden levels that you have to unlock. Also you can find and go through hidden archway parts of the track which gives you an advantage of winning the race.

This game is about angry birds original. This shows the secret to the game of finding golden eggs. I didn't know the game had this secret as it is a well hidden secret. It is quite a good secret and it gives a great challenge to win the game and find the hidden level with the hidden secret eggs.

Another game is Super Mario bros 1 that has secret exits and items to collect. I have played this game but I haven't found any hidden items. It is a good secret because it shows how hidden items are. I have found some secret exits which I think are great because it makes the game speed up which is what some people like. I like taking my time playing the game but not when you have to replay the same level over and over again.